Become YOU

Become YOU is a container for spiritual teachings and practices and a pathway to Being, Becoming & Belonging for the spiritual seeker, created by Avril Bastiansz, in 2019.

Avril is a Yoga & Vedic MeditationTeacher, Spiritual Counsellor, Psychotherapist & Nutritionist, based in Melbourne, Australia.

A Call to Embark on a Journey

Become You invites you, the spiritual seeker, to rediscover your essence and embrace your place in the universal whole. It is a call to reconnect with your inner truth, transform your perspective, and embody the unity of Being, Becoming, and Belonging.

As the Bhagavad Gita so beautifully expresses, “Yoga is the journey of the self, through the self, to the Self.” This journey is available to all who seek it, offering the potential for profound transformation and a life of purpose and fulfillment.

Are you ready to Become You?

Grounded in the philosophy and practices of Vedanta and Yoga, these offerings are designed to inspire you on an experiential journey of inner exploration and transformation that leads to Self-realization & enlightenment.

Ancient Wisdom, Modern Context

Drawing from the Vedic tradition, Become You combines ancient teachings with modern principles to create a practical and accessible approach. The teachings of yoga, meditation, and Ayurveda are integrated with contemporary insights from health science and psychology, offering a balanced pathway for transformation. This approach bridges the gap between the timeless wisdom of the sages and the needs of today’s seekers.

Holistic Integration for Transformation

The pathway to Being, Becoming, and Belonging involves the alignment of body, mind, and soul with the environment, community, and cosmos. This holistic integration fosters a sense of wholeness and well-being, guiding you toward the realization of your authentic Self.

Ancient Wisdom, Modern Context, Holistic Integration, Designed for Personal Transformation, Self-Realization and Enlightenment

The Philosophy of Become You

  1. Being: Experiencing a state of union with your higher and cosmic Self. This is the essence of yoga—a profound state of presence where the individual merges with the universal consciousness.

  2. Becoming: The process of individuation and self-discovery. This is about knowing your true nature and divine essence, shedding layers of conditioning, and embracing your unique path.

  3. Belonging: Understanding the interconnectedness of all things. This is the realization of totality as one indivisible whole consciousness, fostering a deep sense of unity with the environment, community, and cosmos.

Through guided practices, reflective self-inquiry, and experiential learning, Become YOU aims to cultivate inner awareness, deepen your understanding of yourself and empower authentic living through the pillars of Identity, Purpose, Community & Service.

"The priviledge of a lifetime is to Become who you truly are”

Ways to Work with Avril

Avril offers a Retreat to Sri Lanka each year, Sri Lanka is where she was born & raised.
And Vedic Meditation & Rounding Retreats in Melbourne, Australia.
Avril created the Renaissance Woman’s Circle in 2019 to cultivate a spiritual community and has been offering regular events & gatherings to support & empower women on their spiritual journey. The annual winter solstice fire ceremony is a highlight for this group.

“Just like the element gold that can be shaped and crafted into numerous oranments and objects and still retains its essenstial qualities, we too are made of the same single substance - consciousness. Our goal is to realise this and to Become fully conscious Beings and to Remember that we Belong together, as one”.
Avril Bastiansz