Meet Avril Bastiansz, Aka Bubble, Libran, Woman, Daughter, Sister, Wife, Mother, Counsellor, Teacher, Yogi, Born in Sri Lanka, Creator of Become YOU & The Renaissance Woman’s Circle.
I am all of these and none.
Tat Tvam Asi (Sanskrit) I am that !

Avril says, “I love to teach. I love to learn. I weave together all that I know and all that I am to bring you these teachings, my lifes work, to support & empower you to Become YOU”

I teach yoga with the highest end-goal in mind. Yoga as a pathway to the Self (Vedanta).”

Holistic & Spiritual

In all her work, Avril takes a holistic - body-mind-soul view, focusing on your whole self & life experience.

Avril says, “I love to teach. I love to learn. I am a teacher of Yoga & Vedanta and teach with the highest end-goal in mind – Yoga, as a Pathway to the Self. Yoga to me is experiential and transformative. A self- practice which leads us to discover who we are and why we are here, through a continuous process of ever increasing self-awareness & expansion of consciousness. Yoga is a way of Being, Becoming & Belonging. A practical psychology as the Indian philosopher, Sri Aurobindo called it. I trained in Hatha Yoga. My own personal practice led me to explore yoga philosophy & meditation and to become a teacher and initiator of Vedic Mantra Meditation. I have also trained in Himalayan Kundalini Kriya Yoga & Mental Health Aware Yoga. Aside from my yoga trainings, I am a qualified Counsellor & Psychotherapist and Clinical Nutritionist. I enjoy bringing all of these with my own life experiences together to enhance my work and teachings. In my classes, workshops and retreats, I aim to integrate all 8-limbs of the Yoga Sutras of Pathanjali with all the elements of practice & philosophy to provide a transformative experience and empower the student.

Avril’s work as a yoga teacher informs her therapertic work as a Holistic Spiritual Counsellor. This is one of the most unique forms of counselling available today. As an integrative psychotherapist, yoga and meditation teacher, and a qualified nutritionist, Avril brings together all of her skills, experience and knowledge to focus on the person’s whole experience. Avril believes that the true goal of the journey of life is not one of “self-improvement”, but one of “self-discovery and realisation”.

The integrative approach she applies takes a bio-psycho-social-spiritual view recognising body, mind, and soul as an interconnected whole on a continuum from subtle to gross, in relationship with the environment and the cosmos. The goal of this type of therapy is to identify the patterns of behaviour keeping you stuck and preventing you from ‘Becoming’ who you are.

Avril seeks to empower you to discover your own innate wisdom whilst supporting you to heal. This involves a process of compassionate self-discovery. Holistic counselling integrates a wide variety of theoretical understandings and therapeutic, treatment modalities to tailor an individualised plan that supports your therapeutic goals based on your own values and worldview.