I’m pleased to advise that I will be teaching three sessions at Prana Lounge in Colombo.
The first session is on Friday the 22nd, 6 - 7:30-PM, which is an Integrated Yoga Flow Workshop/Session, running for 1.5 hours. Suitable for all levels of Yoga participants. Bookings can be made at: https://www.facebook.com/events/2422129434695748/
The second session is my ‘'Yoga off the Mat’’ program which is on the 23rd of November from 12:30PM and runs for approximately 2 hours also. Information for this session can be found at: https://www.facebook.com/events/526087701298551/
The third session is on the 1st of December at 5:00PM. This is an introduction to Shakti Mantra Meditation. Details about tthis session can be viewed at : https://www.facebook.com/events/2458782010866634/
My approach to teaching comes from a holistic point of view, integrating mind, body & spirit practices to bring you a trans- formative experience. I share with you my own perspective on the knowledge and philosophy of Yoga and how the practice of Yoga is a path for Self actualisation.
Yoga is the journey of the Self, through the Self to the Self ~ The Bhaghavad Gita
Prana Lounge (http://www.pranalounge.lk) is a magical space for all things Yoga, located in the heart of Colombo, a serene and comfortable space, set in a beautiful heritage building.