M a - is a dedication to M o t h e r and to all W o m e n on Mothers’Day !
Mothers come in many shapes & forms. Mother is nature and Mother is nurture - this dedication is to all of these forms that dwell within each and every one of us - she is the Divine Feminine, She is Shakti Paradevi.
Join me for this invocation, blessings of gratitude and love on Sunday 10 May, from 10 - 11 AM from the comfort of your own home.
Gentle breathing, guided meditation and Yoga Nidra to conclude, my gift to you.
Invite your Mum, family members and women friends to join in.
Register here for Zoom link : https://zoom.us/meeting/register/tJAkcOGoqjoqGNR8t0Ws-3ZfGFJLhnJA4K8N