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From Gross to Bliss - A Yogis' Anatomy

  • Avril Bastiansz Become Y O U (map)

From Gross to Bliss is about E n e r g y & A w a r e n e s s

This workshop is ideal for those wanting to understand or deepen their knowledge about the Yogi’s Anatomy and how it relates to the practices of Yoga. Exploring WHY we do what we do in yoga practices & aiming to bridge the gap between the science & philosophy - the knowledge.

Highly recommended for Yoga Teachers & anyone wanting to deepen their experience & understanding of Yoga.

Starting with Jnana or knowledge, one of the three aspects in the triad of yogic powers or Shakti. This triangular relationship is made up of : 1. The Knowledge (Jnana) 2. Will Power (Iccha) 3. Action (Kriya) . Having all three empowers us to teach and experience a dynamic, integrated, holistic class, enabling us all, students & teachers to benefit more deeply from the transformative power of Yoga.

We will cover some of the the more esoteric & subtle aspects of yogic anatomy (different to our scientific understanding of anatomy and physiology) as applicable to the three aspects of reality; the gross, the causal & the subtle as well as the five energy sheaths - the Koshas. As well as Nadis, Chakras, Granthis, Citta, Shakti, Kundalini, Kriya, Mantra, Yantra, Prana & Meditation (Samadhi).

At the end of the workshop you will have gained sufficient knowledge on what and how a ‘Holistic’ yoga practice (class) is created & how the specific exercises are layered, sequenced to integrate body, mind & soul enabling the practitioner to experience these states of Energy & Awareness ‘From Gross to B l i s s’ .

Schedule: TBA

Venue: TBA

Cost $300 (includes course material booklet)