Join me for a special full-moon evening, on Saturday, 18 September at 7:30PM
In ‘Doorway to the Divine’ - Sacred Chants, we will be learning the words, the meaning & how to chant The Maha Gayatri Mantra before we begin to chant it together in Japa Meditation x 108 times.
Something profound happened to me the first time I attended a Kirtan & Fire Ceremony and learned to chant mantra japa. I did not know the words to the mantra we chanted 108 times. There was large group of people and the sound & vibration was truly amazing. By the end, I had picked up some of the words or sounds at least, it was hypnotising, the whole space felt incredible. My body & mind was buzzing at the core, within me, I felt calm, euphoric, ecstatic. The wave like sensations of the sound vibrations pulsating through my being stayed with me for days to come, sound echoing through my being felt blissful. I couldn’t get this chant out of my mind. I was determined to go back, to learn the words, this time I wanted to join in and chant my heart out spirit soared I had fallen in love with Mantra
The Maha Gayatri Mantra is considered one of the greatest, oldest ‘living’ mantras, found in the Rig Veda, which has been in continuous use and chanted throughout the ages…..a living link, a connection to our past, to all that is sacred - ‘A Doorway to the Divine’.
Considered potent with this Divine energy inherent within its vibration and able to reveal to us the ultimate truth and awaken us.
Om bhur bhuva svaha
tat savitur varenyam
bhargo devasya dhimahi
dhiyo yo nah prachodayat
~ Rig Veda 3.62.10
Japa - is the repetition of mantra, of sound vibration which draws our awareness & attention inwards into the stillness of the heart into meditation. Chanting is a ritual, a tantric practice.
You will need mala beads, a candle, flowers, crystals and incense any or all or some of these as an offering, a cushion and a blanket to lie down in Shavasana at the end of the meditation.
Register for online Zoom link to join :
Cost $30
Payment : Avril Bastiansz , Commonwealth Bank, BSB 063141 Account 10530477