You can choose to begin your journey here with a One : One consultation or join the Free Sunday Soul - Day Community Women’s Circle, or you can try out a Sunrise Yoga class (online) ….it does not matter where you begin as long as you begin. The entire program and these individual offerings are designed as a pathway for you, the Seeker to discover your true Self & Become YOU.
The overarching philosophy of Become YOU -The Journey of the self, through the self to the Self, is steeped in the teachings of Vedanta - The knowledge of the Self, Yoga & Meditation and combined with Ayurvedic and Lifestyle medicine practices to support you on your journey to holistic wellbeing.
Below is a list of the key offerings in the Become YOU Program & you will find more details about each of these programs listed in the event pages :
One : One - is a 2 hour, holistic wellbeing consultation
The 4 Faces - The 4 Faces of Woman is an 8 -week, in person/studio workshop series.
Sunrise Yoga - is a 2 x weekly, 60-minute, online Yoga class runs in 4- week blocks
Women’s Circle - Sunday Soul - Day is a Free community meditation & gathering
The 40-Day Sadhana - is an annual program offered during Spring
Shakti Mantra Initiation - Vedic Meditation Program
Spiritual Retreats - Time for rest & reset and deep spiritual nourishment offered periodically
Begin here, with a 2-hour, holistic consultation. I prefer to meet you in person to discuss all aspects of your life; mind, body & soul. You will receive a written, Holistic well-being plan following our meeting including dietary & lifestyle recommendations.
BECOME YoU - THe 4 Faces
This Program is designed to restore your authentic power as a woman, as we journey through the 4-faces over 8-weeks meeting each Sunday to explore Shakti our Divine feminine power
SunriSe Yoga
Whatever it is, the way you tell your story online can make all the difference.
Sunday Soul-Day
Women’s CIrcle
Whatever it is, the way you tell your story online can make all the difference.
THe 40-Day Sadhana
Whatever it is, the way you tell your story online can make all the difference.
Shakti Mantra Initiation
Whatever it is, the way you tell your story online can make all the difference.
Spiritual Retreats
Whatever it is, the way you tell your story online can make all the difference.
Sunrise Yoga
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