THE 4- Faces
A Recipe for Self-discovery
“Restoring your Authentic Power
Recovering your Eternal Beauty”
Sacred Self Sessions : You are the ingredient(s), the Subject matter of this journey is Y O U. Your mind, body and soul. Allow yourself to connect with and gain insight into your true nature. In this two and a half hour- session, we take the first step on this inner journey of Self-discovery. Creating an awareness of the Self as spiritual beings having a physical experience. It is one thing to understand this on an intellectual level but we need to experience our true Self. We do this using the sacred teachings and practices of yoga &meditation. The sessions incorporates yoga asana, pranayama, visualisation, journaling and meditation to help you experience and connect with your Sacred Self. SEE DATES
Become Y O U Workshop Series : This is the method, the Yogic path to the Self. Here you gain the knowledge and the skills through creating your own practice. In this 8 week (2 hours per week) program, you are introduced to the teachings of Yoga, Meditation, Ayurveda, Nutrition as well as Spiritual and holistic concepts and practices. Creating your own daily ritual for your practice through these experiential lessons. We learn through action, Self reflection and our own personal experiences, Transformation begins. SEE DATES FOR WINTER 2019
Journey of the Heart : This is a process. This 13 day retreat to Sri-Lanka is the culmination of the work. Personal transformation requires deep inner work. This journey is an opportunity to step away from your “conditioned” Self and take time to explore and deepen your practice. To rest, to seek clarity of purpose and re-awaken the spirit, allowing the magic to happen. We journey through this beautiful island whilst at the same time..witnessing and experiencing the inner journey of the Self. Learning to nourish ourselves from within…through the trans-formative practices of yoga, meditation, Ayurveda and Self care. DATES: 21 NOV - 3 DEC 2019, LEARN MORE.
Holistic Coaching Sessions : Bringing holistic well-being into daily life - this is a one-on-one offer for continued support in your practice and on your journey. Helping you to re-align with your authentic Self and create a life of purpose and meaning.
“Avril is a beautiful person who has a wealth of knowledge, perspectives and experiences she shares with participants in their journey. She does so very authentically, from the heart and is very engaging. The program is fantastic, taking you through ideas and concepts, and practices for you to put together a practice and vision that is just for you. This journey is never really complete for us of course, but the program allows you a way to start ❤️”
Lysanne Kingswell
“5 stars!
Avril Bastiansz - Become You introduces you to Yoga with heart, Yoga as a way of being. Avril makes you feel and brings about an understanding in you that the time that which you dedicate on yourself, through her mentorship, truly is a gift from you to your own self. Huge love from me to you all.”
Rebeca Fernando
“The Become YOU program was such a joy. Avril created a beautiful space to learn, experience and share ideas about what it means to be authentically ‘you’. Not only did I walk away from the 8 weeks with a clearer understanding of my core traits, values and aspirations, but I also have a solid daily practice of intention setting, pranayama, yoga and meditation that supports me to be the best version of myself.
Avril's knowledge about spirituality and holistic wellbeing is incredibly extensive. She was always willing and able to answer all sorts of questions that participants had which made for rich conversations. As an added bonus I’ve also made some beautiful new friendships!
If you are seeking to bring about positive change in your life - this course will provide you the space to reflect, imagine and begin to create the “you” that you want to be.”
Raelene Campbell
“I cannot recommend Avril's Become You program highly enough. I took part in her program last year and found it highly beneficial. I had had a regular Yoga practice for many years but this is not necessary to enjoy and reap the benefits from Avril's program - her Become You program is suited equally to both absolute beginners and those who already have a working knowledge of yogic philosophy.
The 8 week program follows a logical sequence covering yogic breath work, meditation, intention setting, positive affirmations, journalling and of course yoga postures. Whilst having a semi-structured format, there is also the ability to ask as many questions as you like and to follow up with Avril on topics for a greater understanding.
The small group format encouraged intimacy among a like-minded group of women, providing a safe and non-judgemental space in which to get to know your true self. I got to know an amazing group of women and have made some lovely new friendships.
Avril has a deep knowledge and understanding of spirituality (in both an Eastern and more traditional Christian context) and Ayurvedic principles which she integrates seamlessly to offer up a complete holistic package for greater well being.
I have come away from the completion of Avril's Become You program with the foundation for a beautiful daily practice which allows me the space to really reconnect with the essence of myself and to bring about positive change to my life. I view this as the beginning of my journey and I am forever grateful to Avril for her calm guidance and unwavering friendship.”
Gail Richards