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88 Lions Gate Activation Workshop for Women - Sun-Day, Soul-Day, Women's Circle Yoga & Meditation

  • 39 King Street Ivanhoe East Australia (map)

Dear friends,

Tomorrow’s Women’s Circle & Sunday Soul Day Meditation is going to be Special.

A Lions Gate Activation and Empowerment Workshop.

- Bring a notebook and colour pencils, make yourself a cup of tea/coffee of choice ...

..let’s find the little girls we once were ... let’s open those doors to healing ... followed by a Special chakra balancing guided meditation to help you ‘'Step into your Power’.
“Timeline Healing & Self Inquiry” (can be difficult and bring up past and present discomfort)

This is a safe and open space for all. No experience in Yoga or Meditation is necessary.

This is a Women’s only Workshop. You will be supported with a gentle, restorative space for practice and joined by like minded Souls.

Join URL:

Remember to dial in a few minutes earlier, have some space and a blanket or cushion (or chair) in a quiet space in your home and grab yourself a cuppa !

Link to join : 9 - 11 AM- Sunday Soul Day - Women’s Circle