Come, gather fill your cup & connect with like minded souls, share your stories in our Sacred Women’s’ Circle.
The Circle is special. Sunday’s are special. Women coming together is special; seeking comfort and nourishment for our Souls. We are the “Agent’s of Change” during this very important time in our world - a time of Awakening and Healing. These are Feminine energies. WE are the One’s that are being called to uphold the sanctity of our families, our friends, our communities and society …to be the beacon of light, BUT first, let us ‘fill our cup’’ for what can you give from an empty cup?
Join me for Sunday Soul Day on every first Sunday of the each month as we gather together for Connection, Reflection, Meditation & Rest.
This is a safe, open space for all. Women supporting Women. No experience in Yoga or Meditation is necessary. The practices are inclusive, gentle & restorative.
This is a Free community service.
Join URL:
Remember to dial in a few minutes earlier, have some space and a blanket or cushion (or chair) in a quiet space in your home and grab yourself a cuppa !
For information about changes or cancellations to schedule please connect with me on Facebook @avrilbastianszBecomeYOU or email or phone or via this website.
Link to join : 9 - 10:30 AM- Sunday Soul Day - Women’s Circle & Meditation
‘A Sunday well spent brings a week of content’